Tapeworms In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, _ Treatments

 Tapeworms in dogs are internal parasites that infest the walls of the small intestines using hook-like mouth parts. They are small, flat, segmented worms with each segment being about a quarter to half an inch long, and adult tapeworms can grow to eight inches in length.

The medical term for a tapeworm infestation is cestodiasis, and it can occur in other animals, including cats and humans, as well. It’s important to treat tapeworms in dogs so the infestation isn’t transmitted to other animals or people in the home.

Treatment of tapeworms in dogs is usually simple and effective if done promptly. If you see the signs of tapeworm infestation in your dog, get to the veterinarian immediately so they can prescribe treatment.

Here’s what you should know about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for tapeworms in dogs.


Symptoms Of Tapeworms In Dogs

The symptoms of tapeworm infestation in dogs may begin with signs of itchiness or irritation around the anus. Dogs may scoot their bottoms on the ground or lick at the area.

Another sign is visible, cream-colored segments of the worms appearing near the anus or in the dogs’ feces. These segments are shed within the intestines and are usually passed in feces. They release eggs into the environment when they dry out. Sometimes, the segments can appear in vomit, as well.

It’s rare for dogs to show signs of illness when they have a tapeworm infestation, but they may show signs of weight loss if the infestation is severe.

Causes Of Tapeworms In Dogs

The initial cause of tapeworm infestation in dogs is ingestion of tapeworm eggs. Adult fleas often carry them, which dogs may swallow if they groom themselves or chew at flea bites. They may even ingest fleas if they are trying to groom another pet or animal that has fleas.

Tapeworm eggs may also transmit through an infested host animal, such as rodents or birds. Dogs sometimes hunt or scavenge for these animals, or they may investigate a recently killed animal that harbors tapeworm eggs.

You should always prevent your dog from picking up wild animals, alive or dead, whenever you can because they can carry parasites and diseases.

Treatments For Tapeworms in Dogs

Treatment for tapeworms in dogs begins with a proper diagnosis. A veterinarian will be able to test a stool sample to determine if tapeworms are present and prescribe treatment accordingly.

There are several forms of tapeworm medication, including drugs like praziquantel, which can dissolve tapeworms in the intestines. Some tapeworm medications are available over-the-counter, but even these should be used only with veterinary recommendation.

Whatever treatment your veterinarian recommends, you should use it for the full duration prescribed, even if your dog doesn’t show signs of having tapeworm any more.

The likelihood of a dog passing a tapeworm infection to humans is fairly low, as a human would have to swallow an infected flea to become infested. This is known to happen in children more often than adults. How did you treat it?

Treatment is easy and effective with few side effects, so it’s best to deal with a tapeworm infestation promptly.

Prevention makes for the best method of treatment. Proper flea control and avoiding dead or living wild animals are helpful solutions. Disposing of feces quickly can also help prevent tapeworm infestations from spreading.

Has your dog ever had a tapeworm infestation? It’s more likely to be transmitted to other animals in the home. Let us know in the comments below!

By Dog Care Tip

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