Dealing with Grief in Dogs

 When your dog mourns the companionship of another dog, it can be heartbreaking. Although it is not known how much dogs understand about death, it’s clear that dogs can become extremely depressed after a companion dies. Give him attention when he is sitting or resting quietly. If you are worried about your dog’s behavior, speak to your vet. She may wish to prescribe medication to help ease grief in dogs.

A New Position

When a dog is mourning the loss of a dog companion, he is mourning a fellow pack member and the loss of their previous pack position. Your dog might now be a leader without a follower, or a follower without a head. That’s why it’s important so that you can help your pet find a healthy, new position in your home.

Gentle Distraction

If your dog is grieving, you should provide him with more attention, affection and activity. Try to keep his mind off his loss by doing things that he likes. Take him for walks, bring him on car trips or invite people over. Also you can buy toys that are designed for mental stimulation.

Even though your dog is older, he can keep learning for his entire life. Teach him new tricks or easy games. Also, set aside a few minutes each day to bond with your dog. Spend 15 minutes brushing him or giving him a massage – he’ll start looking forward to the new routine.

Patience is Key

Remember the old saying “time heals all wounds”? It applies to your pet too. Don’t fret if your dog doesn’t immediately respond to new activities or extra attention. Just be patient and he’ll come around eventually.

During your dog’s grieving process, don’t give him attention when he’s exhibiting behavior you don’t like – it will reinforce this negative behavior. If your dog is barking, whining or howling, don’t distract him. Just like humans who have lost a loved one, many dogs lose their appetite, no longer have got interest in their favorite activities, become lethargic or sleep excessively.

Time for a New Dog?

Now may not be the time to get another dog for a couple of reasons. Older dogs don’t like changes in their environment, and adjusting to a new pet can become stressful. Also, it’s important to realize that your dog will eventually adjust to being without a canine companion – and may actually thrive on his own.

By Dog Care Tip

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