The Largest Domestic Cats

 Which are the largest Domestic Cats? The Siberian can reach up to 26 pounds, while the Maine Coon is known more for fluff and the length of his long, poofy tail. But there’s a wide range of big cat breeds that tend to come in on the larger side.

Starting with the largest, based on average weight, here are 11 of the biggest domestic cat breeds around.

The Largest Domestic Cats
  1. Siberian Cat

With a rounded appearance and sweet demeanor, the Siberian was made for cuddles. Just make sure you make room on your lap for this big cat!

  • Average Weight: 8-26 pounds
  • Personality: Adaptable and agile, these intelligent cats make great family pets and have a playful, amiable personality.
  • Fun Fact: Thanks to oily guard hairs, these big pet cats have a coat that is water-resistant, and many Siberians have an affinity for water.

2. Ragamuffin

Known for big, expressive eyes, these large domestic cats have an almost teddy-bear look, along with a super fluffy coat that comes in numerous colors.

  • Average Weight: 8-20 pounds
  • Personality: Ragamuffins make great family pets, due to their calm, easygoing demeanor. They typically get along with other pets, and many can be taught to do tricks, play fetch or even walk on a leash.
  • Fun Fact: The Ragamuffin takes a little more time to mature and doesn’t reach full adulthood until around four years of age.

3. Ragdoll

These big pet cats owe their name to a tendency to go limp in your arms when picked up, and an especially easygoing demeanor.

  • Average Weight: 8-20 pounds
  • Personality: Many Ragdolls love to be with their humans and exhibit a playful, people-oriented personality. They also get along well with kids and dogs, making them great family pets.
  • Fun Fact: The Ragdoll and the Ragamuffin share ancestors (and a lot of similarities) but are different cats. Ragdolls show less color variation and have eyes that are more oval in shape (and are often blue).

4. Turkish Van

Even among other large cat breeds, these felines stand out-due primarily to their distinctive white bodies with marked tails and ears. The color they do exhibit on the extremities can come in several varieties, from tabby to tortoiseshell.

  • Average Weight: 7-20 pounds
  • Personality: Curious, with powerful jumping abilities, these large domestic cats are athletic, intelligent and active. Many form strong bonds with their human owners, and they may get talkative when they want attention.
  • Fun Fact: Many Turkish Vans love water and have been dubbed “Swimming Cats” in their native Turkey.

5. Maine Coon

One of the most popular cat breeds, and for good reason, the Maine Coon truly is a gentle giant- with a devoted, affectionate nature and unquestionably pettable coat.

  • Average Weight: 9-18 pounds
  • Personality: Known for being good with kids and dogs, these large breed cats love nature, and are playful, loving and patient making use of their humans.
  • Fun Fact: You’ll find a number of Maine Coons at the top of the list for “Biggest Domestic Cat” awards. They’re known for breaking records in length, owing to their super-long tails.

6. British Shorthair

Big eyes and a stocky build define this big domestic cat breed, which was originally bred as a working cat, used to control rodents in British alleys and barns.

  • Average Weight: 9-18 pounds
  • Personality: Independent and undemanding, these quiet cats have a reputation to be shy but warm up quickly with a little love. They’re sweet and even-tempered, and several possess an ability to get along well with children, making
  • them good family pets.
  • Fun Fact: Blue fur is most common in this breed, but it can exhibit a variety of colors and patterns.

7. Bengal

These big domestic cats are distinguished by their spots and rosettes, giving them the look of miniature jungle cats.

  • Average Weight: 6-18 pounds
  • Personality: Confident and curious, these cats love being involved in family activity, and enjoy chasing, climbing and all-around play.
  • Fun Fact: Some Bengals can have what is called a “glitter gene”, giving their fur an iridescent glow that comes off looking a bit like frost on the fur.

8. Pixiebob

With the look of an itty-bitty bobcat, these felines are actually quite big by domestic cat standards (and not at all wild, like their looks might imply).

  • Average Weight: 8-17 pounds
  • Personality: The Pixiebob is devoted to his domestic family, and has a loving personality. He’s active, but good with kids and other pets. Like some other large cat breeds, the Pixiebob is often likened to a dog, due to his usually propensity to learn tricks, play fetch and enjoyment of walking on a leash.
  • Fun Fact: Some Pixiebobs may have a tendency to be polydactyl, with up to seven toes on a single pthew.

9. Norwegian Forest Cat

Bright eyes, poofy tail, big, hardy frame. That’s the Norwegian Forest Cat to a T. As one of the hugegest cat breeds, his large look may make him seem wild, but he’s really a natural born companion cat.

  • Average Weight: 8-16 pounds
  • Personality: This big domestic cat has a propensity to play on shelves and bookcases, finding lofty heights from which to survey his domain. But he’s also content to cuddle with his human companions. He is particularly laid back, and not easily stressed, making him a great cat around kids and other pets.
  • Fun Fact: The Norwegian Forest Cat is a natural breed (nope, no big cat ancestors, despite that wild look), and is called the Skogkatt in Norway.

10. American Bobtail

These big domestic cats look a bit such as a Bobcat. Luckily, they’re not quite as large … and, of course, they’re considerably less wild.

  • Average Weight: 7-16 pounds
  • Personality: Active, intelligent and friendly, the American Bobtail can make a great family companion. He’s athletic, however, with a propensity toward Houdini-like escapes, and requires some activity to keep from getting bored.
  • Fun Fact: The original bloodline for the American Bobtail includes a smorgasbord of big domestic cat breeds, including the Birman, Himalayan, tabby and Siamese.

11. Selkirk Rex

A naturally curly coat (that comes in both long and short hair) makes this big domestic cat particularly unique, and his friendly demeanor makes him great as a family pet.

  • Average Weight: 6-16 pounds
  • Personality: They may not be the largest domestic cat breed on the list, but the Selkirk Rex is still on the bigger side, as far as cats go. Relaxed and family-oriented, these unique cats are playful and social, with a patient, easy-moveing demeanor.
  • Fun Fact: When they’re young, these large breed cats don’t always have a curly coat. Some kittens lose their curls around 16 weeks and won’t regain them until 8-10 months. Their curls also amplify with age.

Fun facts about large domestic cat breeds

And just in case you haven’t had your fill of big cat breeds, here are a few more takeaways about these cats of considerable size:

  • Because they’re so big, many large house cat breeds take a little extra time to mature, and some don’t reach adulthood until around five years.
  • You won’t find a listing in the Guinness World Records for biggest cat breed or largest domestic cat breed in the world; as no-one wants to encourage kitty obesity. Instead, the record-takers measure largest domestic cat breed by height and length.
  • Big pet cats come with all sorts of amazing personalities and distinguished character traits (and, of course, they can be purebred or mixed breed). If you think it’s time to add one to your family, start by searching the Petfinder database, showcasing thousands of adorable adoptable cats near you.

Want to Meet the White Cat Breeds? Check it out on the next post!

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