Do Hamsters And Bunnies Get Along?

 Are you looking into getting a new pet hamster or bringing another furry friend home? This stress may ultimately put one or both of your pets in harm’s way. It’s a good question to ask as a pet parent and animal lover. Introducing new pets to one another should only be done after adequate research on both species has been done. This will help prepare you on what to expect or answer if this introduction should even happen at all. If you are a fan of small mammals, it is not uncommon to come upon the query, can hamsters and bunnies get along? We have compiled our research on the relationship between bunnies and hamsters to give you this answer.

Hamsters and bunnies do not and will not get along. The size difference, need to control territory, social and feeding behaviors are vastly different. Having a bunny and hamster living together may cause destruction for both pets and increased stress for you and your home. This is an incompatible pair. While both need to socialize, they cannot fulfill this need with one another.

Individually, hamsters and bunnies make great pets but put together, you are asking for trouble. The differences of the species are what make them incompatible housemates. Read on as we explain in detail what separates these two furry friends and answer what animals can live with hamsters.

Hamsters And Bunnies Get Along –

What’s The Difference Between A Hamster And A Rabbit?

When a hamster is around a bunny, the stress levels will rise. You may be wondering what animals get along with a hamster and which usually do not. This is why it will be important to keep bunnies and hamsters separate, not even allowing playtime collectively. What makes hamsters and rabbits so different, and why can’t they get along? Let’s take a closer look at these differences and what they mean for your pets.


Hamsters are small creatures; it is part of their charm. Most hamsters weigh between 0.5-10.5 ounces, while domestic bunnies can reach 1-4 pounds. Some giant bunny breeds can reach weights of over 15 pounds. The size difference is enough to stress your hammy out. When a hamster sees an animal much larger than them bouncing around, they assume they are in danger, and they might be. Due to the size difference, if your bunny accidentally lands on your hamster, it may cause serious injury.

The size difference leads to many conclusions. Your rabbit can accidentally hurt your hammie, but they also take up more resources. A hamster will already be on edge because they feel physically threatened by this large, bouncy creature. They may also begin to worry about not having enough water, food, or space as well.

Will A Rabbit Attack A Hamster?

Social Needs

Bunnies tend to be social creatures. They enjoy the companionship of other bunnies and can get behind a cuddle with their human. Hamsters can be a bit picky when it comes to whom they spend time with and how much.

Hamsters enjoy their space and may become quite territorial when another animal is around. The social aspect of our animals is usually why we want to pair them together. When it comes to pairing a bunny and hamster, this usually mix will increase stress rather than fulfill needs.

Learn more on our blog post, My Hamster Always Wants Attention – Is This Okay?

Activity Level

Bunnies are very active. Hamsters can be too, but their energy or activity levels will never match up due to the size difference. A bunny will spend the day zooming around and hopping here and there. The fast, constant movement may bring up some aggression with your hamster. Even our most energetic hamsters enjoy a little downtime in their favorite snooze spots.


One thing hamsters and bunnies have in common is they are both prey animals. This means both species are timid and possess a natural fear of being harmed or killed. The constant fear will increase both species’ sensitivity to sound, fast movement, and animals larger than them. In moments of high stress or fear, there could be a lash out of aggression.

If your hamster is constantly exposed to a larger animal, just like a bunny, they can start showing signs of chronic stress. Some of these signs include shaking, fur loss, and aggressive behaviors, like biting.

Read more on our blog post, How To Stop My Hamster From Biting Me?

These are key differences between a hamster and a bunny. The contrast is the reason why these two do not get along. Trying to force a relationship between the two will leave you with a stressed-out hamster and an unhappy home. It is necessary to consider individual pets’ comfort levels and needs before introducing them into the same environment. Some species, like these two, don’t mix.

Can You Put A Bunny And A Hamster In The Same Cage?

You absolutely cannot put a hamster and a bunny in the same cage. Hamsters and bunnies in the same room aren’t a good mix. The two in the same, small enclosure is even worse. Hamsters are usually territorial and often look at their cage as their safe space. Placing a bunny in your hamster’s home will tear that comfort away from them. This definitely comfort will be replaced by fear and anxiety, ultimately leading to aggression.

If your hamster attempts to bite or scratch your bunny, your bunny may feel under attack. Keep your hamsters safe by keeping them from rabbits. Due to the sheer size difference between the two, aggression from a bunny may lead to the death of one’s hammy. When you have bunnies and hamsters under your care, it really is wise to keep them as separated as possible.

Read more on our blog post, Can Hamsters Live Together In The Same Cage?

Read more on our blog post, How Much Water Do Hamsters Need?

Rabbits and hamsters are both capable of aggression. While rabbits normally have a friendly temperament, they will respond if they feel under attack or the need to defend themselves. A bunny will give warning signs before they assault, but your hamster will likely not pick up or respond to these. So, yes, a rabbit will attack a hamster in some cases. The strength and size difference puts your hamster at risk for serious or, even fatal, consequences. A bunny under attack will be aggressive back.

Read more on our blog post, Why Do Hamsters Fight? (And HOW EXACTLY TO Keep Yours From Doing That)

What Animals Can Live With Hamsters?

A rabbit is out of the question, but what about other species? There’s got to be some other animals that get along with hamsters. Yes and no. If you have a very young pet, they are more likely to get along with your hamster. Younger creatures are more flexible, tolerable, and adaptable to their surroundings. Even these situations do come with some risks.

Most, if not all, household pets will undoubtedly be larger than your hamster. Even if the two go along, mistakes can happen, and this may lead to your hammie being unintentionally hurt. Different species require different habitats aswell. You wouldn’t catch a turtle in exactly the same environment as a hamster. They have unique needs that differ from one another.

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